3 ways to earn more money

Number 1: Get percentage instead of a fix rate. Okay, there are some situations where it can be better to take a fix rate instead of a percentage. For example, someone asks you to fix their personal air-conditioner. You would want to get a fix rate for that because your customer most likely wouldn’t get profit from getting their air-conditioner fixed.

How about if someone asks you to design their website and you expect that website to earn a lot of money because of your work? You have to appreciate the worth of your work and decide that you take percentage if that is what’s fair.

Number 2: Get jobs where you are good at. The key is efficiency. Choose something where you could be more productive the most. In this world, more productivity means more money.

Number 3: Hone a very special talent. Use this talent to be on top of your game. It’s true, nerds always win in the end.

Have any more tips on earning more money? Tell me about it on the comments section.

5 Best Adobe Mobile Apps for Graphic Arts Market

An artist needs to crave wonderful pieces of art by mixing in multiple elements in one simple frame. This needs proper composition of elements in a layout. If you are a budding creative graphic artist, then you should consider these quick tips to help your fantastic art piece. Adobe graphic specific mobile apps will surely help you out in carving some aesthetically appealing designs.

Adobe Photoshop Sketch:
Ever found out an inspirational design strike up with a few strokes of random doodle? Well, all this and much more is possible with Adobe Photoshop Sketch. You can draw your reference images, doodle it to add tweaks and can end up carving an astonishing art piece.

This app is a perfect match for those who need quick tweaks and doodle in their leisure.

Comp CC:
This is an incredibly useful application to lay out every design idea on your iPhone or iPad. The app allows creating a mobile mockup and helps in combining vectors, images, text styles and colors. This platform is a perfect place to explore and experiment different ideas before finally completing your project on Photoshop, illustrator or elsewhere.

Photoshop Mix:
Advanced simplification is what defines this creative application from one of the best mobile app company. You can use this application to merge images, remove backgrounds, add or remove objects in merely 15 minutes. It is incredibly easy to use this app before finishing up your design elsewhere.

Adobe Capture:
Capture your imaginations with Adobe Capture CC. This is a simple yet interactive app which makes doodling exceptionally easy. It allows users to creates color themes, vector shapes and add custom brushes from the camera.

Adobe Premiere Clip:
It is a fantastic application to grasp the fundamentals of video composition. It includes easy ways to combine images and texts with clips on the background. This mobile application is simple and quick in its own terms. Have fun with some of your leftover video clips and end up having something to remember.

This application helps users to create a story with what they have on their mobile devices, they can add soundtracks, images and much more to give it a special effect.

In a dire need of a customized mobile app? Consult a mobile app development company in Toronto today.

Spacing the Android

The big purge. The number of apps we download on a daily basis is amazing. You have to track them all to know what’s good for you, and have a big cleaning to get rid of the unused ones. Start the purge today, and you’ll see that a phone is basically like wardrobe: you have your favorites, those you updated and forgot about their existence, and the buddies you’ll never operate. You can leave one or two apps that cover your basic needs, sorting out the necessities and blocking the systems that clutter the space. It’s a tiring practice, we know, but it also brings a lot of satisfaction and relief.
Photos issues. Do not keep photos on the phone. It is a common practice, and not an easy one, because we all love a good memory. However, your phone is not the spacious room with place for everybody, and has memory restrictions as well. As soon as you empty the gallery files, you will see screenshots occupy a lot of space and consume energy which makes the battery wear out. Switching cards, from the full one to the completely empty, is another option a phone could use, and the best pick for the screenshot lovers.
The cache set. You know what the cache data is, right? Once you delete it, there is enough room for anything. Imagine you have a browser with history. Do you really need the old searches and outdated information? With Android, the deal can be sealed in a moment, and you won’t have to worry about the photos or game results. The app will only select the unnecessary data like preferences, and you’ll be left with a phone that is given freedom in terms of space.
Bloatware practice. People say that it’s one of the most frustrating things in the whole world. There are apps you cannot download unless you are on Nexus, so in the Android’s case you have to put up with the ones that have been updated automatically. They constantly get in the way and are almost impossible to delete unless you root your phone, which is not an option for a solid part of users. However, it allows you to enjoy apps without cluttering and allows an access to Android OS.